I was up late last night because I couldn't sleep.. (Maybe because today is my 28th Birthday and I'm starting to feel the old age, I can clearly see 30 right around the corner!!) So, anyway, I was browsing around on Consumer Reports and I started to look at all of the Baby Reports. For Strollers, High Chairs, Baby Gates, Mointors, well you get the picture. So I came across the section for Infant Carriers and Slings. And my friend LOVES to Baby Wear, so I thought to post this for her and her little munchkin Eliza!
They say using an infant carrier/sling may take some getting used to, but that they're a great way for keeping your precious bundle of joy close!! Below I have posted a direct link to Consumer Reports : Smart Shopping, Infant Carriers and Slings.. It gives you "Strap on Strategies" Pros & Cons, "Sling Savvy" Pros & Cons, "Getting the Hang of It", "Shopping Secrets", "Important Features", "Recommendations", and a list of Websites of "Whats Available" in alphabetical order! From this direct link you can also access the other reports on Baby Items for more Smart Shopping..
So check it out. Maybe your a new Mom like my friend, maybe you're getting ready to become a Mom.. After seeing Danielle and Eliza using the Sling I would 100% add one to my baby registry when I have a baby!! Looks nice right?
Consumer Reports Link to Article:
Check out Danielle and Baby Eliza @ New Mommy Rant:

What a cute baby.
I have a little one, I'm going to look into a good sling. Thanks for the information!
Thanks Dana! I love the bloggy love! I can't wait for Erika to join you.
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