Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm Back Baby...... And I missed You Guys!

I know I know.... Where the hell I been you asking!? Well I've been stuck without a computer and it's been hell.. I finally finally finally got my new laptop, which I love by the way!! when the costum computer guy sent brian a message saying it was "Sweet As Hell" he was right!!! It is and I loooooooove it! So now I'm back in buisness...... And ready to rock!
Though I truly missed blogging I will say it was a nice escape, like a little vacation from technology!
But anyway, I'm back and ready to Blog!
What's been going on? What did I miss in the Bloggy World?
All I do know is that my Google reader is overflowing and I do not know where to begin.
I feel bad deleting cause I love reading everyone's posts. But I start to have an anxiety attack trying to figure out even where to begin!!
These next 2 weeks will also probably be a little hellish for me as I begin to wrap up the school year. (THANK GOD)
I am sooooooo ready for a break from work. I have 2 more full weeks of classes and then I go in the following week to clean up and organize!! I can't wait...
Since I was 14 years old I have worked ever single summer, and worked VERY hard!! This summer I am going toi sit back,relax by the beach and enjoy life... And get this, I still get paid to do that! Isn't that just the greatest?
I know I'll probably get bored by week number 2, but oh well.. This summer is going to be all about me! I finally need to do something for myself! Start treating my self right!
I did schedule some babysitting and tutoring gigs to make some extra cash and to give me something to do.. It's perfect cause it's not a steady thing, it's a here and there thing with different times and different days!
Gotta love summer days~
Well i hope you are all enjoying this gorgeous weekend!
I missed you guys!!


Marni's Organized Mess said...

Did you see I'm pregnant!?!

Well, otherwise, not much else going on here. I actually have been thinking of deleting a lot from my reader. I can't keep up right now.

amanda said...

welcome back!

i've missed your updates in life. i am glad things are all going great with you-and so exciting having the summer off.


Stephanie Olsen said...

YOU WERE MISSED! I am still here! Still busy as hell, but still reading!
