So we are in to almost the third week on October which means Halloween is approaching! Halloween: The masquerading time of the year, is almost upon us. All of the kids in my class are so excited that this spooky holiday is right around the corner. For the past week and a half or so I’ve been hearing about pirates, spiderman, princesses, batman, star wars, superman, ninjas, transformers: need I go on, LOL.. It brought me back to my childhood when I dressed up as a Laura Ingalls (i loved Little House on the Prairie, lol) a leopard, a horse back rider, even Wonder Woman! When I used to bartend I dressed up as a Race Car driver flag girl - I know what you're thinking - but I had to make the tips! I even dressed as a Harley Davidson girl - I raked in the $ that year, LOL...

Anyway, moving right along! I was talking to my class mom she mentioned that you really need to go out and get costumes way in advance! I mean I don’t have children and I do not dress up anymore so I did not realize that costumes sell out so quick! But I would think that children do not really make up their minds until the week before Halloween right? I mean – one day they want to be a witch and then next day they want to be a super hero!
So with that said it brings me to my point – weren’t you waiting for my point? LOL! I found this really cool online Halloween store called Halloween Adventure. The little boy I babysit wanted to look online at costumes and I came across this pretty extensive website. They seem to have so many different choices and even offer free shipping which is always a plus. And not only do they offer children’s costumes, but they offer costumes for us grown-ups too! They have adult costumes, sexy costumes(come on ladies), pet costumes, holiday costumes, wigs, hat, masks, need I go on! They really do offer Halloween options for everyone! I think it’s great! I’m just wishing I had a Costume party to go to this year – I saw this really cute costume on the website. It was a batgirl costume and so very cute! This costume woiuld be so perfect for me, not to mention it would match Brian's Batman persona. I have always wanted to dress up as Batman and Batgirl... LOl - I know, I'm cheesy!!!!
Wouldn’t that be just so cute? Maybe I'll convince my friend at work to throw a party that night! The costumes are that great! Better then any of the ones I've seen in stores. And they deliver right to your front step!

Wouldn’t that be just so cute? Maybe I'll convince my friend at work to throw a party that night! The costumes are that great! Better then any of the ones I've seen in stores. And they deliver right to your front step!
So check out Halloween Adventure - For over 20 years Halloween Adventure Costume Super Stores has successfully brought the Magic, Fun and Excitement of Halloween to millions of customers, both young and old - from Coast to Coast!
Oh yeah – P.S. – check out their website, they even have
Oh yeah – P.S. – check out their website, they even have
Haunted Attractions! It’s pretty spooky and really got me in to this creepy, crawly soon-to-be Halloween season!
Click here for your all of your Halloween needs:
OMG, can I have your tummy? Just for a night?
LOVE the Batman and Batgirl idea. Totally not cheesy. I'd do it in a flash.
Ohhh! Love the batgirl! I used to be Cat Woman when I was little! This year I'm going to be Amy Winehouse...haha!
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