OK.... so we are approaching that time of year.. The dreaded Flu Season... Working with little kids and other adults that are always around little kids I am prone to colds, germs, and the ful right? Last season the flu ran rampant around my school - many of my friends got it and unfortuantely so did I!! So i was thinking about getting the Flu Shot this season but I'm nervous! I'm not nervous about the pain or getting a shot - I am nervous I am going to get the Flu from the shot. And really who wants to deal with that.I know that's a stupid reason not to get it because doctors say you won't get the Flu from the vacination, but it still makes me unsure!
Have any of you or anyone you know gotten the Flu Shot before? Were there side effects? What should I do? Get it or Not??
I think I need some guidance!
I definitely recommend getting the flu shot. I've only had the flu once and it was AWFUL! I was extremely sick and had a cough that lingered for months...
I never have had the flu shot, and only got the flu once in my 10 years of teaching. The big concern with getting the flu shot is even if you get it it's no guarantee you won't get the flu because they are just guessing which strand will occur. But, I know a lot of people who swear by it
my mom gets the shot every year...the blah feelings you may get as a side effect of the shot is nothing like the full blown flu that the shot is protecting you from. if i had your job dealing with all those germy kids and a vacation planned there is no way i would chance it...definitely get the shot!
I used to work with kids - at head start, an afterschool center, at schools, etc.
I got a flu shot each year for a few years, then last year my insurance didn't cover it, so I didn't. (It's not a bad shot at all, don't worry!)
I didn't get the flu! So I'm not going to be spending money on a shot this year. :)
I h.a.t.e. shots!
Ickk. So muchhh.
I got the flu shot
last year because
it was mandatory for
when I went to Ecuador.
I thought it hurt like
a bugger! Haha.
BUT...I think your best
bet is to get the shot.
I think it's more likely
you'll get ill from NOT
getting it then from
getting it.
I think the flu shot is bogus. I never got the flu shot in the past and was completely fine. Then last year I got the flu shot to be safe since Eliza was just born. What happened? I got the flu. Maybe a coinky dink, but I don't believe in it. Just my 2 cents.
As someone who has gotten the flu numerous times throughout her life, I definitely recommend the shot. I've gotten it for the past few years after a really bad battle with the flu my freshman year of college, and I haven't looked back. Sure, it hurts, but the protection it offers is definitely worth that short pain.
i get the flu shot every year and have yet to get the flu. the clincher for me was when i was pregnant (and thinking i shouldn't get the shot bc i was pregnant!) and my OB told me i should get the shot. if u can get the shot while pregnant then it's gotta be safe in my mind! i didn't ever experience any side effects except for maybe a slightly sore arm (like after working out) for a couple of days.
Get it! Unless you are looking for an excuse to miss work and hang out in bed :)
You can NOT get the flu from the shot. The virus in the shot is not a live virus. It is killed. So it cannot give you the actual flu. Many people (myself included) however develop VERY MINOR flu like symptoms in the day or two following the shot. These symptoms are NOT THE FLU they are merely your body's reaction to building up the immunity from the shot. The low grade fever & minor aches are nothing compared to the actual flu.
I decided to get it last year when my work offered it. I usually get the flu (at least!) once a year, so I thought I would try even though I am absolutely terrified of shots and gave myself a little panic attack when I got it last year, but I didn't get the flu. So I'm going to sign up again this year. I think the shot is worth not getting the flu. Plus I got to act all pitiful after I got my shot and my hubby spoiled me :)
I got my flu shot today. It hurt for like .5 seconds and then I forgot about it. I don't feel tired or blah at all. I think it's worth getting, especially if you teach young kids.
Get the shot! I was going to respond the same thing Mama Smurf did. The side effects are cake compared to the full blown Flu.
I am taking both of my kids in a flu shot next week. We are going to be traveling to visit family in December, and I don't want to take any chances.
I totally regretted not getting this shot last year.
I don't get it b/c it only protects you from one strain of the flu and there are thousands! They're even giving the shot (for a fee) at my school, though...how convenient!
I never got the flu shot but my kids do every year. Considering you are soooo close to kids and germs...I'd do it.
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